Welcome to Malachi Coaching & Training Ministries Int’l!
Congratulations on embarking on this journey with us! We look forward to partnering together and supporting you in achieving your ministry goals! This page is designed to help you understand the goals, mission, vision, and benefits of the ministry.
It will also give you some insight into how our partnership will look.
Ministry Leaders | Pastors
Coaching has quickly become one of the leading tools that successful leaders use to live extraordinary lives. Through weekly group & one-on-one coaching sessions, you identify what is most important to you and align your thoughts, words, and actions, accordingly. As your life coach and trainer, we will embark upon areas that are both known and unknown to you! You will become knowledgeable of those behaviors that have you stuck…which will help you move forward. Being a leader is no easy role! As a leader, you wear several hats that cause you to manage many aspects of ministry–intercessory prayer, ministry challenges, resolving conflict, teaching, balance, and so much more. How do you manage it all? Let’s connect, enhance, equip, inspire, and grow together!
Ongoing training is a MUST to have continued growth in ministry!
“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”
– Ephesians 4:12
A 501(c)(3) non-profit entity! Our mission is to create partnerships with ministry leaders | and pastors for Kingdom building through coaching & training…each one reaches one! Helping emerging leaders develop and/or enhance their plan of action, lead by example, realize their true potential, discover their destiny, and spiritual gifts, and set & reach attainable goals, causing growth in their role as effective leaders. Coaching, training, & ministry business solutions that are affordable, adaptable, and accessible!